Info Hub
One of the great features of GrowthZone is The Hub, a member center that enables your users to access key information and actively engage with your organization. The Hub allows users to search the directory of other members, see upcoming events, submit events, signup for lists and committees, view their membership details, view and complete billing-related steps (pay invoices, view past billing, see open invoices, etc.), see completed certifications (if applicable) and more.
Customize Info Hub Display
The display of your Info Hub may be customize to suit your specific needs. You can customize the greeting your members will see when they log-in, customize the header and footer, and choose to hide/show certain elements.
Add a Greeting Message to Info Hub
You may personalize the initial Info Hub greeting message.
- Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
- Click Info Hub Settings in the Website/Content Management System section.
- Update the Welcome Message as needed. You may use the standard word processing tools (i.e. bold, italics, etc.) as well as add images and links.
- Click Done to save your changes.
HTML may be added to inject css/js into the Info Hub Pages. This is useful if you wish the look and feel of the Info Hub to match your web-site. Header/footer and colors can be configured to better match your web-site. Please contact GrowthZone for further information on this feature.
- Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
- Click Info Hub Settings in the Website/Content Management System section.
- Enter desired HTML for headers and footers
- Click Done to save your changes.
Customize Info Hub Display
You can choose to hide or show Resources and Referrals on the Info Hub page.
- Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
- Click Info Hub Settings in the Website/Content Management System section.
- In the Display Settings section, configure the following as needed:
- Resources: If you wish to display resources, select Show. If you do not wish to display resources, select Hide.
- Referrals: If you wish to display the referrals option, select Show. If you do not wish to display the referrals option, select Hide.
- Contacts Report: If you wish to display the Contacts Report in the Info Hub, select Show. If you do not wish to display the contacts report, select Hide. Click Here for further information on the Contacts Report.
- Certification: If you wish to display certification information in the Info Hub, select Show. If you do not wish to display this information, select Hide.
- Click Done to save your changes.
Setup Info Hub Access
The actions that your members may perform via Info Hub are driven by the Access Level you have granted to them. By default, your new contacts will be given "View Only" access to the hub when you first set them up. "View Only" will allow the member to view the Info Hub, and update their own info, access their billing information, and pay bills. They would not, however, have rights to enter new hot deals, job posting, events, and so on. Click Here for further information on access levels.
Setup User Info Hub Login Settings
The default access level provided to new contacts is set in the Login Settings
- Click Setup in the Navigation Panel.
- Click Login Settings in the Users Section.
- Configure the following settings:
- Allow Contacts to create their own accounts - Selecting this option enables the Create Account button on the Info Hub login screen. The Activation Options discussed below are used for authentication of the new user. When enabled, a contact must enter their email address to authenticate to the database that they have rights to sign up for the Info Hub. If their email address is present, they will be able to create log-in credentials.
- Default Access Level - Select the access level that you wish to, by default, provide to new contacts. The following options are populated in the system by default, and you may create additional access level to meet your needs. Click here to view the steps to create new Access Levels.
- User - View Only in Info Hub - this access level provides view only access in Info Hub.
- User - Create/Edit/View in Info Hub - this access level provides Create/Edit in Info Hub but not the ability to delete. Note: With this access level, the user may update their own profile information and add web content, if this module is enabled. Web content (hot deals, job posting, etc.) would require approval by your internal staff.
- User - Primary - this access level provides full control in Info Hub. Users with this access would be able to add content without staff approval.
- Activation Options - these settings allow you to define how a user can activate their access to the Info Hub. NOTE: These settings are only displayed if Allow Contacts to create their own accounts is enabled. See above.
- Allow Email Activation - The system will validate the user login if the email address they have entered matches an the email address of a contact in your database. It is recommended that this option be enabled. If the email address is not found in the database, it will not allow them to login.
- Allow Invoice Activation - N/A at this time.
- Allow Membership Activation - If this setting is selected, completion of the membership application would authenticate the user, and allow them to create their login credentials. It is recommended that this option be enabled.
- Single Sign On - CURRENT STATE (2/13/2018) Allows a member of any IIABA state associations the ability to login to the Hub or register for an event with their national login/password. To do this we SAML V2.
- Require Members To Login With SAML - Enable this setting if members must use their national login/password.
- SAML Identity Provider (IdP) - Enter your SAML Identity Provider (IdP)
- Advanced Options - if you wish to set specific password conventions, click the Advanced Options check-box. Here you can define the minimum length of passwords, minimum number of alphabetic characters, and minimum number of numeric characters.
- If you have made changes, click the Save button.
Setting up Individual's Info Hub Access
If you have configured your Member Application form to automatically provide Info Hub access, the individual filling out the member application will be routed to the log-in page where they will be able to create their own account and will be given the access level you selected in the Log-in settings. Additionally, when you add new contacts through the database, the contacts will be given the default access you have setup in the Log-in settings.
When you add new individuals to your data base (Click Here to learn more about adding new individuals), you will need to send them an email with instructions on how to setup their log-in credentials to the Info Hub:
- From the individual contact profile tab, click the Actions button.
- Click User Login.
- Select the User Access Level you wish to provide this user from the list.
- Ensure the Send Login Instructions Email check-box is selected.
- Click Done.
An email with instructions on setting up their log-in credentials will be sent, as shown below. When a receives the email to create an account and clicks the link, the user name is pre-populated with an email address to try to push customers to use this standard convention for usernames.
Within the email sent to the member, they will find a link to access the Create an Account screen.
- The members email address is listed as recommended Username but they may change this.
- They may then enter their own Password.
- Click Save. The upon submission, the log-in screen will open. They will then enter their credentials to access the system.
Change an Individual's Info Hub Access
If you have configured your Member Application form to automatically provide Info Hub access, the individual filling out the member application will be routed to the log-in page where they will be able to create their own account and will be given the access level you selected in the Log-in settings. Additionally, when you add new contacts through the database, the contacts will be given the default access you have setup in the Log-in settings.
You can change an individual's access to the Info Hub:
- Open the contact's profile page.
- Click the Actions button.
- Click User Login.
- Select the desired Access Level from the list.
- Manually Set Password - Use this option when you need to reset a user's access from the back-office.
- (Optional) - Click Advanced Options
- When you set the Access level (top of screen) for the Contact, if that contact has related organizations, default the same access level to those related organizations.
- Click Done.
Reset a User's Password
If an individual has forgotten their password, they have the option to click the Forgot your Username or Password? from the Info Hub log-in screen.
If needed, you can reset an individual's password manually from the back office.
- Open the individual's profile page.
- Click the Actions button.
- Click User Login.
- Enter the new password in the Manually Set Password text box.
- Click Done.
Logging in to Info Hub
You may include a member login link on your web-site to open the Info Hub log-in screen.
- Enter User Name.
- Enter Password.
- Click Sign In.
NOTE: Menu options and permissions available to the member are driven by the access level that they have been assigned.
If a member has forgotten his/her password, clicking the Forgot your Username or Password? link will allow them to Enter your email address to receive an email with your login(s) or Or Enter your username to reset your password.
If the member does not have a user name and password, they can click the create an account button to create their user name and password.
- Enter First Name.
- Enter Last Name.
- Enter Email Address. NOTE: Your database will review the email address entered, if the email address exists in the system, the user will receive the following notification in the browser "An activation email has been sent to you. Please check your inbox to complete your account setup. Back to Member Login". Within the email sent to the member, they will find a link to access the Create an Account screen.
- The members email address is listed as recommended Username but they may change this.
- They may then enter their own Password.
- Click Save. The upon submission, the log-in screen will open. They will then enter their credentials to access the system.
Changing Organization
In the situation where a member is associated with multiple organizations, a Change Org link is displayed under that member's name in the Info Hub.
NOTE: When the member changes organizations, the permissions associated to the selected organization will immediately be applied.
Update Contact Information in the Info Hub
A member may update their own contact information in the Info Hub.
- Click My Info in the Navigation Panel. The screen will display the Contact info tab.
- Click the
icon in Contact Info to add additional contact details OR click the pencil icon to edit contact details.
- Click the + sign in the Lists/Committees section to view the lists/committees available to join OR
Update Directory Listing Information in the Info Hub
- Click Directory Listing in the Navigation Panel. The current directory listing type will be displayed.
- In the Actions column, click the pencil icon.
- The following directory listing settings may be updated.
- Alternative Display Name (Leave Blank if Same as Contact) - This is the name of the organization that will be displayed in the directory.
- Short Description - The short description is displayed with the search results.
- Description - The description is displayed when the organization is selected from the directory.
- Keywords - Keywords are used to search the directory.
- Highlights (for Directory) - Provides ability to add additional description of the organization in the directory.
- Categories - Select the business categories under which the organization will be displayed in the directory.
- Images - Click the Add button to add images to be displayed in the directory.
- VIDEOS - Click the + button and enter a URL for video(s) to be displayed in the directory.
- Custom Fields - if you have added custom fields, such as pricing or driving directions, these may also be updated for the directory listing.
- Click Done.